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Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

Name: Specialist Recruitment Services Ltd

Job Boards: EconomistJobs/StatsJobs/DataScientistJobs

Registered office: Suite 7, The Homestead, Stafford, ST21 6JU, UK

Company Registration Number: 04189517

VAT NO.: 715152168


Tel. +44 (0)20 3514 1304

ICO Tier 1 Registered

Name of domain: SPECIALIST RECRUITMENT SERVICES (hereinafter the service provider or provider) responsible for the website, places this document at the disposal of users to comply with the obligations of Act 34/2002 on Information Society and E-commerce services (LSSI-CE), Basic Act 15/1999 of December 13 on Personal Data Protection, as well as to inform all website users of the terms of use of the website.

1.2 Anyone accessing this website and using its services or supplying their data will be considered a user and will be committed to strictly observe and comply with what is contained herein, as well as any other applicable legal provisions.

1.3 Acceptance of this document implies that the user:

Has read and understood what it contains.

Assumes and accepts all the obligations it contains.

1.4 These terms will have an indefinite period of validity.

1.5 The provider reserves the right to modify any information contained on the website without needing to give prior notice or having to inform the users of these modifications, publication on the provider’s website will be sufficient.

1.6 Therefore it is recommended that users regularly check this legal note.

1.7 The provider reserves the right to refuse or restrict a user’s use and/or access to the website in case of non-compliance with these general terms, without any obligation to compensate or indemnify the user for this action.

  1. Identities of the Parties

2.1. On the one hand, the provider, identified above and on the other the user, registered on the website, who will be responsible for the truthfulness of the personal data supplied to the service provider.

  1. Disclaimer

3.1 The service provider:

Will not be held liable for any responsibility regarding the information published on the website if this information has been manipulated or inserted by a third party not related to the website,

Is not responsible for the opinions expressed by collaborators, in articles or works published in the website.

Is not responsible for the lack of updating of the user’s data as a result of the user’s non-compliance with the commitment to inform of any change affecting their personal data, as detailed in these general terms and conditions.

Cannot guarantee that the use made of the website and its services complies with the law, these general terms and conditions and public security; nevertheless, measures will be taken to comply with current legislation on this issue.

Will not be held liable for damages or harm of any kind derived from the user’s incorrect, illegitimate or illicit use of the web or the services it offers.

The service provider reserves the right to impede a user’s access and use of the services offered in the website at any moment and without prior notice in cases of breach of the General and particular terms of use and conditions, as well as in cases of acts against the law, generally accepted principles of morality and good conduct and public security.

The service provider reserves the right to modify these general terms at any time, respecting the rights acquired by the users. Users will be informed of any modification, as soon as possible. Insertion of the new text in the general terms published on the website will be considered as notification of the modification. The use of the website after the modification of the general terms implies the user’s acceptance.

Under no circumstances will the service provider be liable for moral damages, lost profit and/or and direct or indirect damages suffered by the user.

The user of the website may be redirected to contents of third parties. As the provider is unable to control the contents third parties may place on their websites, the provider will have no responsibility as to those contents. In any case, the provider declares that it will immediately remove any content that could contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, proceeding to immediately remove the redirection to said website and inform the authorities of the content in question.

This website has been checked and reviewed to ensure it works correctly. In principle, correct operation 365 days a year and 24 hours a day can be guaranteed. Nevertheless, the provider cannot rule out the possibility of circumstances such as programming errors, that could cause interruptions in the service in order to carry out maintenance or events out of the control of the provider, such as force majeure causes, natural catastrophes, hackers or crackers, strikes or similar circumstances that could impede access to the website.

In any case, the user may not claim economic compensation for service interruption.

  1. Intellectual and Industrial Property

4.1 The website, including but not limited to programming, edition, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, photographs, text and/or graphic elements are the property of the provider of the service or, if applicable, the provider holds a licence provided by the authors. All the contents of the website are duly protected by intellectual and industrial legislation, as well as being inscribed in the corresponding public registers.

4.2 Regardless of the purpose it is used for, any total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialisation of this material will always require authorisation in writing by the provider. Any use not authorised in advance by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights.

4.3 Any designs, logos, text, photographs and/or graphic elements that appear on the website and do not belong to the provider are the property of their respective owners and they will be responsible for any possible dispute that may arise with regard to them. In any case, the provider has the prior and express authorisation from the owners.

4.4 The website user and/or visitor will be committed to respect these rights and consequently not to copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, transmit, publish, exhibit or represent any of the aforementioned contents of the website by any means different from those supplied by the same website for this purpose, or those used legitimately on the Internet and which have been expressly authorised in advance by the provider. Additionally, the user is committed not to carry out any other activity that could be in breach of the intellectual property rights of the provider, or of the users of the website.

4.5 The following e-mail address may be used to make any observations or comments on possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as about any of the contents of the website:

  1. IP Addresses

5.1 Website servers can automatically detect the IP address and name of the domain the user is accessing by. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to Internet. All this information is recorded in a duly inscribed file containing the activity of the server that enables subsequent processing of the data to obtain purely statistical measurements so as to know the number of page prints, number of hits on the website services, the order of the hits, access point, etc.

  1. Salvatory Clause

6.1 Any possible invalidity or inefficacy of any or several of the clauses in this general terms and conditions document, for any reason, will not invalidate the terms as a whole and all the rest of the clauses will remain in force.

  1. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

7.1 Any elements not expressly detailed in the terms and conditions will be governed by UK legislation. The provider and the user agree to submit any dispute that may arise regarding the products or services supplied under these terms to the Law Courts of the address of the user.

7.2 If the user were to have their residence outside the United Kingdom, the provider and the user expressly waiver their own jurisdiction, being subject to the Law Courts of the UK.

  1. Data Protection

8.1 Basic information about Data Protection

Person or entity responsible: Specialist Recruitment Services Ltd

Purposes: To enable the provision of employment advertising, respond to requests for information, subscription to job alert emails (emails subject to consent of user)

Legitimation: Processing necessary for the performance of the contract.

Recipients: No data will be communicated to third parties unless absolutely necessary.

Rights To access, rectify and delete data, as well as other rights as explained in the additional information.

Additional information You can see more detailed information in our Privacy Policy.

8.2 Detailed information about Data Protection

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?


Correspondence address: Suite 7, The Homestead, Stafford, ST21 6JU, UK

Phone no.: Customer service +44(0)20 3514 1304


For what purpose will we process your personal data?

Publication of job announcements

Email Alerts subscription (sending of emails subject to the consent of the user)

How long will we keep your data?

In general, the data provided will be kept until you request their deletion.


We consider that the data collected are no longer useful for the purpose for which they were collected.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

The legal basis for the processing of your data is that such processing is essential to provide the services requested by you or to respond adequately to a request made by you.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?

The communication of the data provided through this website is not anticipated.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

While Specialist Recruitment Services Ltd processes your personal data you have the right to request:

Access.- The data subject shall have the right to obtain confirmation from the data controller of whether or not the data concerning him/her are being processed, as well as detailed information on certain aspects of the processing being carried out.

Rectification.- The data subject shall have the right to obtain rectification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data concerning him/her.

Deletion.- The data subject shall have the right to request the deletion of his/her personal data, although deletion shall always be subject to the limits established in the regulatory standard.

Restriction of processing.- The data subject shall have the right to request the restriction of the processing of his/her personal data.

Opposition to processing.- In certain circumstances and for reasons relating to their particular situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data. Specialist Recruitment Services will stop processing the data, except for legitimate, compelling reasons, or the exercise or defence of possible claims.

Right to the portability of your data.- In other words, you will have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to a data controller, in a structured format, of common use and mechanical reading and to transmit them to another data controller.

We value the support of subscribers to our information services and pledge to protect your privacy. Subscriber’s email addresses are stored on a secure server and are used only for the distribution of job email bulletins which carry employment opportunities advertised by our customers. We will not disclose Subscriber email addresses to any third party for any reason, unless required to do so by law. The sending of emails is subject to the consent of the user.


Advertising Copy

Employment advertisement copy published on our web site and email bulletins is supplied by our customers. We therefore cannot take any responsibility for the content of the advertisements.


Our email systems employ anti-virus measures which update automatically. We can guarantee that our outgoing email, including our weekly email bulletin to subscribers, is virus free. However, our job bulletins are often forwarded by subscribers to other people. We welcome this but cannot accept responsibility for our email once it passes through another computer


We use email to inform potential subscribers and customers about our service. Our marketing email is targeted, based on our industry research. We send email only to people who have requested the service and the sending of all emails is subject to the consent of the user.


EconomistJobs does not warrant that the web site will operate error free or that the web site and its server are free of computer viruses or other harmful mechanisms. If your use of the website or the material results in the need for servicing or replacing equipment or data, EconomistJobs is not responsible for those costs. The web site and material are provided on an ‘as is’ basis without any warranties of any kind. EconomistJobs, to the fullest extent permitted by the law, disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose and non-infringement. EconomistJobs makes no warranties about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the material, services, software, text, graphics and links.

Disclaimer of Consequential Damages

In no event shall EconomistJobs, its suppliers, or any third parties mentioned on the website be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, lost profits, or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption) resulting from the use or inability to use the web site and the material whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not EconomistJobs is advised of the possibility of such damages.

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the EconomistJobs website. When you use this website (the “Jobsite”) you do so in accordance with these specific terms and conditions; and (c) where applicable, any terms set out in our letter to you accepting your application for an Online Recruitment Account ((a), (b) and (c) are together defined as the “Terms”). By: (a) accessing, browsing or otherwise using the Jobsite by any means and via whatever device; or (b) opening an Online Recruitment Account, you agree to be bound by the Terms.

1. About us and our business

The Jobsite is operated by or on behalf of Specialist Recruitment Services Limited (“SRS”, “we” or “our”). We are a company registered inEnglandandWaleswith the company registration number 04189517. Our VAT number is 715152168.

2. Changes to these Terms

We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time and we encourage you to revisit these Terms periodically to ensure that you are at all times fully aware of them. Any changes are effective immediately upon posting to the Jobsite. Your continued use of the Jobsite constitutes your agreement to all such Terms.

3. The Services and registration

3.1. By means of the Jobsite, we make available an on-line recruitment and employment information service, where recruiters may place advertisements for positions which they have and receive responses from interested candidates, where recruiters can view CVs of potential job candidates, and whereby job seekers can upload CV’s and photographs, create networks, join forums and post content (the Services).

3.2. The use of the Services by recruiters is only available to anyone.

4. Use of the Jobsite

4.1. For the purposes of these Terms: “Content” includes, but is not limited to, all or part of any text, graphics, layout, logos, images, audio material, films or other moving images, product details and/or software published or otherwise available on the Jobsite from time to time (including, without limitation, anything made available for download).

4.2. While accessing, browsing and/or using the Jobsite or the Services you must:

4.2.1. comply with all applicable laws, regulations and codes including, without limitation: (i) the Data Protection Act 1998; (ii) the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003; (iii) the Employment Agencies Act 1973; (iv) the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Business Regulations 2003; (v) the Sex Discrimination Act 1975; (vi) the Race Relations Act 1976; (vii) the Disability Discrimination Act 1995; and (viii) the British Code of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing (all as amended from time to time);

4.2.2. not impersonate another person or use a false name or email address;

4.2.3. not deep-link to and/or frame or utilise framing techniques to enclose the Jobsite or any part of the Jobsite without our prior written consent;

4.2.4. not modify or attempt to modify all or any part of the Content or the Jobsite (other than material submitted by you);

4.2.5. not gain or attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Jobsite, the server on which the Jobsite is stored or any server, computer or database connected to the Jobsite;

4.2.6. act in good faith with, not misuse and treat in confidence any information provided to you from those who respond to any use which you may make of the Services;

4.2.7. not make any misrepresentations in your use of the Services;

4.2.8. not use the Jobsite or the Services to seek details of individuals when you do not have a job vacancy that you are actively seeking to fill;

4.2.9. not use the Website or Services to compile a database of potential employees that you or any third party may exploit for any commercial purpose (whether or not for profit), save that this section 4.2.9 will not prevent you from compiling a list of potential employees for the job vacancy you are advertising by means of your use of the Services from those who have responded to you or those job seekers who have uploaded their CV via the Services;

4.2.10. not affect, restrict, limit, inhibit anyone from using the Services or the Website;

4.2.11. not post, transmit, submit, refer to, make available or link to or from (or authorise or permit any other person to do the same), or provide to TMGL for posting on or making available by means of the Jobsite and/or the Services, any material which in our opinion:

a) is untrue, fraudulent, inaccurate or incomplete; and/or

b) is obscene, threatening, menacing, offensive, defamatory, abusive, likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety, is in breach of confidence, in breach of any intellectual property right (including, without limitation, c

If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions stated here, do not use this web site and service. By using this web site, you are indicating your acceptance to be bound by the terms of these Terms and Conditions.

This privacy notice explains how Specialist Recruitment Services Ltd ("SRS", "we", "our", "us") collects, uses and shares your personal data, and your rights in relation to the personal data we hold. This privacy notice concerns our processing of personal data, i.e. employees, contractors and other workers ("you", "your").

For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 ("the DPA") and, with effect from 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), the data controller is SRS Ltd (a UK registered company, registered in England with company number 04189517)

How we collect your information

We may collect your personal data in a number of ways, for example:

  • from the information you provide to us when you interact with us before making a job application
  • when you submit a formal job application and provide your personal data in application forms and covering letters, etc.;

The types of information we collect

We may collect the following types of personal data about you:

  • contact and communications information, including:
  • your contact details (including email address(es), telephone numbers and postal address(es);
  • contact details (through various means, as above)
  • records of communications and interactions we have had with you;
  • biographical, educational and social information, including:
  • your name, title, gender, nationality and date of birth;
  • your image and likeness, including as captured in photographs taken for business purposes;
  • details of your education and references from your institutions of study;

How we use your information

The purposes for which we may use personal data (including, sensitive personal data, where applicable) we collect in connection with your employment or other engagement with us include:

  • providing you with information about positions we advertise and what it is like to work for employers (where you have asked for this, and before you have made a formal job application);
  • administering job applications and, where relevant, when negotiating a job offer.
  • carrying out due diligence checks on you during the application process for a role including checking references in relation to your education and employment history;

Sharing your information with others

For the purposes referred to in this privacy notice and relying on the bases for processing as set out above, we may share your personal data with certain third parties. We may disclose limited personal data to a variety of recipients including:

  • internal and external auditors;
  • when we are legally required to do so (by a court, government body, law enforcement agency or other authority of competent jurisdiction), for example by HM Revenue and Customs.

How long your information is kept

For applicants, we may retain your personal data for a period of 5-7 years after the application date.

However, some information may be retained for longer than this, for example for compliance with legal obligations, such as payroll record requirements, or defense of claims.

Your rights

Under the DPA you have the following rights:

  • to obtain access to, and copies of, the personal data that we hold about you;
  • to require that we cease processing your personal data if the processing is causing you damage or distress;
  • to require us not to send you marketing communications.
  • to require us to correct the personal data we hold about you if it is incorrect;
  • to require us to erase your personal data;
  • to require us to restrict our data processing activities (and, where our processing is based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent, without affecting the lawfulness of our processing based on consent before its withdrawal);
  • to receive from us the personal data we hold about you which you have provided to us, in a reasonable format specified by you, including for the purpose of you transmitting that personal data to another data controller;
  • to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to any of our particular processing activities where you feel this has a disproportionate impact on your rights. You have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner.

Please note that the above rights are not absolute, and we may be entitled to refuse requests where exceptions apply.

If you have given your consent and you wish to withdraw it, please contact us

Contact and complaints

If you have any queries about this privacy notice or how we process your personal data, or if you wish to exercise any of your rights under applicable law, you may contact us via email:

If you are not satisfied with how we are processing your personal data, you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner.

You can find out more about your rights under applicable data protection legislation from the Information Commissioner’s Office website available at

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